
Nunc Est Bibendum


A theamed dinner when you can be surprised by unique culinary combinations, studied down to the smallest details to match perfectly with Piedmont wines.

Like the best couples, each dish will have its own drink.. Come and discover them!


Vegetables tempura – Match with Cocktail Americano Cocchi as the original receipt with Vermouth

Low temperature cooked veal with tuna sauce, capers and their oil, vegetable sprouts – Match with Totocorde Alta Langa DOCG Brut millesimato

Raviolo with ricotta cheese and pumpkin, Raschera of Piedmont fondue, crunchy salvia – Match with Colli Tortonesi Timorasso Derthona 2019 cantina Vigneti Massa

Beef tournedos flambè in Nebbiolo red wine sauce, with aromatic potatoes – Match with Barolo Prunotto 2017

Bunet with cocoa and caramel – Match with Barolo chinato cantina Cocchi

90 € p.p.


8 pm

Only reservation – posti limitati

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